The Lodge premises as we know them today were purchased and occupied by the Lodge in 1973 after the move from Market Street.
The premises were originally erected in 1853 as a school room, a School Masters house and a library. They were built in connection with the Scottish Episcopalian Church and the intention was to add a chapter house.
The library, built at the sole expense of Bishop Forbes, was fitted with oak shelving and illuminated by a stained glass gothic window with armorial bearings.
An oak cabinet contained, among other curiosities, a richly illuminated copy of “The Offices of the Virgin” executed on vellum by Nicholas Viven in Paris in 1515.
The cabinet also contained an antique backgammon board beautifully inlaid with ivory and which is said to have belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots.
The library consisted of a large collection of early and rare edition of “The Fathers of the Church” and many other valuable books which were chiefly gifted by Dr Abernathy Drummond of Hawthornden for the use of the clergy and D=dioceses of Brechin and Dunkeld.
The contents of the library were removed to the new Dundee University Library when the building separated from St Andrews in 1972.
Access to the books is still possible by a written letter of introduction from the local Episcopalian Minister. Although mislaid for a period these books are now in safe keeping in the archives below Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.